Bothnia Business Heritage Network
The Bothnia Business Heritage project is a cross-border project strengthening the link between cultural heritage and modern businesses around the Gulf of Bothnia.
Welcome to the next network meeting!
Selling cultural heritage services to companies – cases from our networkMay 29 2024, 13.00–15.00 (FIN time!)
Hybrid event at Yrkesakademin, Kungsgårdsvägen 30 A, 653 80 Vaasa, Finland, and online!_____________________________________________________________________________________
Save the date!
Morning Coffee for Cultural Heritage ActorsJune 11 2024, 09.00–10.00 (SWE time!)
As a cultural heritage actor, you are welcome to join the Bothnia Business Heritage Network! Today we are over 80 network participants!
The puzzle pieces:
– Building a transnational network of actors in the field of cultural heritage
– Inspirational network meetings and lectures
– Roundtable discussions between companies and cultural heritage actors
– Workshop process for cultural heritage actors with the aim to develop the organisation and explore ways to reach the business community.
The network:
– There are no obligations, no costs and your contact details are protected under the GDPR.
– You will have the opportunity to meet and be inspired by other cultural heritage actors during our meetings.
– You will receive a newsletter with updates and news about what is happening in the network, including tips and ideas on how to engage with the business community.
– You will receive invitations to events and lectures.
– You will learn new things.
– You will have fun!

Join the Bothnia Business Heritage Network:
April 2024. Click here to read it.
February 2024. Click here to read ti.
December 2023. Click here to read it.
October 2023. Click here to read it.
August 2023. Click here to read it.
June 2023. Click here to read it.
SURVEY: Cultural heritage as a resource for today’s businesses
Knowing the needs, thoughts and ideas of companies is key to overcome cultural barriers and reduce misunderstandings between culture- and commercial actors. Therefore, we have asked companies in what they know about cultural heritage and whether they use it today or how they would like to do so. Click here if you want to see the results from the survey.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Magdalena Åkerström, Project manager for externally funded projects, Västernorrlands museum,