Workshop: Successful cooperation
Onsdag 21 februari kl. 09.00–11.00
The key in project work is strengthened cooperation, and therefore the actors involved need to increase their skills. In this workshop, we alternate presentations with process-led dialogues and visualize input and reflections from the participants.
– How can we understand the characteristics of cooperation between actors?
– Which abilities do we need to strengthen?
– What do we need to focus extra on, in order to move forward in collaboration?
Länka Consulting was founded in 2015 and is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and is focused on strengthening multistakeholder collaborative capacity. In 2019 Anna and Karoline published the book ”To succeed in leading in collaboration” (Att lyckas leda i samverkan). The company has educated more than 4 000 professionals in collaboration leadership skills in Scandinavia during the last 8 years.
Datum: 2024-02-21, kl. 09.00–11.00
Plats: Zoom.
Föreläsare: Anna Zingmark och Karoline Bottheim på Länka Consulting.
Målgrupp: Kulturarvsaktörer, kulturella och kreativa branscher, besöksnäring, region, kommun.
Språk: Engelska.
Denna workshop är ett samarbete mellan Västernorrlands museum och projektet Bothnia Business Heritage.
Ons 21 februari 2024
Online via Zoom